If you, or someone you know is battling cancer, especially if it has metastasized, than you should definitely be looking at a little publisized product called "Modified Citrus Pectin".
MCP, as I will call it, not only pulls heavy metal out of the body. This powerful extract from the white pith of citrus peels i.e. grapefruit, oranges, etc. has much more to offer humans, especially those with advanced, and treatment-resistant cancers.
In clinical trials the patients, who were terminal, and who had been given every known treatment that established medicine could deliver -chemo, surgery, radiation, experimental drugs, etc. failed to provide little or no benefits. Time had run out for these patients, nothing was available to them from here on out.
Enter "Modified Citrus Pectin". Their regime was to take, three times a day, an oral dose of 5g of MCP. After a 16 week period, 35% showed a positive result to primary measures of clinical benefits. Pain, functional impairment, and weight loss, had improved. 26% of the patients remained stable after the 16 week period. The overall clinical benefit 20.7%. Researchers also described it as significant improvement of life.
While these numbers may not be too meaningful to you, remember that these patients were at the end of the line.
Theres even more exciting news for men suffering from protate cancer. One man in the trial, who had advanced prostate cancer, experienced a 50% decrease in his PSA over the trial period. He also received the same pain, quality of life benefits.
The product that I am referring to is PectaSol-C, and can be obtained online at http://www.econugenics.com/mcp.
Dr. Eliaz, who has been working on perfecting MCP for most of his career provides a "Free Report online at http://www.betterhealthpublishing.com/mcpreport
There is more information on MCP, which can be ontained by searching the web. However, I personally take this one.
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*Good Morning Everybody! *
I know it’s been a while since you’ve heard from me but I’m happy to
report that all is great with us in our part of the world....
2 weeks ago
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