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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Modified Citrus Pectin

If you, or someone you know is battling cancer, especially if it has metastasized, than you should definitely be looking at a little publisized product called "Modified Citrus Pectin".
MCP, as I will call it, not only pulls heavy metal out of the body. This powerful extract from the white pith of citrus peels i.e. grapefruit, oranges, etc. has much more to offer humans, especially those with advanced, and treatment-resistant cancers.
In clinical trials the patients, who were terminal, and who had been given every known treatment that established medicine could deliver -chemo, surgery, radiation, experimental drugs, etc. failed to provide little or no benefits. Time had run out for these patients, nothing was available to them from here on out.
Enter "Modified Citrus Pectin". Their regime was to take, three times a day, an oral dose of 5g of MCP. After a 16 week period, 35% showed a positive result to primary measures of clinical benefits. Pain, functional impairment, and weight loss, had improved. 26% of the patients remained stable after the 16 week period. The overall clinical benefit 20.7%. Researchers also described it as significant improvement of life.
While these numbers may not be too meaningful to you, remember that these patients were at the end of the line.
Theres even more exciting news for men suffering from protate cancer. One man in the trial, who had advanced prostate cancer, experienced a 50% decrease in his PSA over the trial period. He also received the same pain, quality of life benefits.
The product that I am referring to is PectaSol-C, and can be obtained online at
Dr. Eliaz, who has been working on perfecting MCP for most of his career provides a "Free Report online at
There is more information on MCP, which can be ontained by searching the web. However, I personally take this one.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Female Goldfinch

This is a female Goldfinch. Image taken in my backyard in Ontario Canada. Camera- Canon 20D, 70-300mm lens @ 300mm.

© 2008 Sylmac

Friday, July 25, 2008

Brook Covered Bridge

Brook Covered Bridge, Vermont USA

© 2008 Sylmac

Alternative Cancer Treatments

I have been using "Alternative Treatments" for Prostate Cancer for over 12 years, and have researched many articles, and parts of the world for information that would help me live a resonable healthy life, while battling this disease. I have been able to achieve this goal to this point in time using the information from Dr.Mark Sircus. Dr. Sircus wrote an 850 page book called Winning The War On Cancer, which can be found at Another very interesting, and informative site contains good information for "Alternative Treatments, by Dr.Sircus, and Dr.Tullio Simoncini, on I have used many treatments, and been many places in my quest for good health, and I will be posting more on this subject.

Prostate Cancer

I have been dealing with Prostate Cancer for over 12 years using mostly Alternative Protocols. I would be willing to post more information on the subject of Alternative Therapies if anyone is interested. Please comment.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Personal Battle

The following story (mine) was published as follows.

To: Editor Vitality Magazine.

(The following paragraph is a correction to my original article. It is self explanatory.)

In my haste to write my article I relied on my memory, rather than my records, with respect to my age and date of diagnosis. I was sure that I was 60 years of age, and it was May 1995 when I got my PSA results. Uponchecking my records to prepare this paper I discovered that I was actually 61 years old, and was diagnosed in May 1996, and actually treated myself for18 months rather than 2 years. It certainly seemed that long. I apologizefor this oversight.In May of 1996, at the age of sixty-one, I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer as a
result of a PSA test, my count was 20.2. I had no symptoms other than getting up more
frequently during the night, My Doctor had told me after previous digital examinations that
my prostate was slightly enlarged, but that was normal for a man my age, and not to worry.
I, of course had no reason to think there was any problem, so I just went on about my
business. Needless to say I was in shock when I was told about the cancer. I was thenscheduled for an Ultra Sound which showed (3) small dark areas within the prostate;
one on one side, and two on the other. The next test I had was a rectal biopsy to determine
if it was benign or malignant. This was a very unpleasant experience. Unfortunately it was
malignant. (The biopsy also indicated how aggressive the cancer was, and is calculated on a
scale of 1 to 10, called the Gleason Scale.( My count was 4/5, which is low moderate.I then went to see an Oncologist, who told me that I would be put on a Hormone program for (3) months and then into the hospital for a radical prostatectomy. (The complete removal of the prostate gland, and probably some lymph
nodes along with it.) I ask him if there would be a second PSA to confirm the condition,
he said no, he knew what was going on, and that’s all he needed. I felt that I needed that
second opinion, so I went to another oncologist, but he told me the same thing. At this point
I was getting the feeling that I was a business situation rather than a patient. No compassion,
or encouragement, just straight business. I then, with the support of my wife, began to search for alternative treatments. I read anything that I could get my hands on about the subject, including
a book called “Man to Man.Surviving Prostate Cancer", written by Michael Korda. ( The book
was meant to prepare men for what they may have to face, and the possible scenarios that each
procedure could possibly present to them. Radical Prostatectomy, Radioactive Seed Implants,
Radiation Treatment, Hormonal Treatment and Cryogenics, all of which can have debilitating side
affects. The more I read, the more I was convinced, conventional treatment was not for me.
Not at this particular time anyway.I started doing all sorts of suggested therapies that I had read about, and downloaded off the Internet,
as well as advice from Alternative Practitioners. Some of the things will seem quite off the wall, andunrealistic, but there is evidence that they do work. (Not for everyone, or all the time.) I will list below some of the treatments that I used:I began a fast by taking a mixture of Barley Green, Carrot and Beet Crystals in Juice, three or four times a day for a 10 day period. I lost approximately 23 pounds, but it helped me to eliminate much toxic waste from my system. I did not feel hungry, weak, or anything else, which told me that I was not doing any harm. I also knew that these crystals contained enough nutrients, vitamins, etc. to sustain me. When I started to eat whole foods again it consisted of oatmeal, organic vegetables, and fresh fruits, as often as I could get them. I drank only distilled water, and do so to this day. I took Vit.”C” up to 9000 mgs, Saw Palmetto & pygeum, Pycnogenol, Chaparral, Selenium, Vitamin “E’, Zinc & Copper combination, Shark Cartilage, and Bovine Cartilage, Q10, Matol, Astragalus, Pau D’Arco (Thaheebo) Essiac Tea, Small Flower Willow Herb Tea, Bio-Pectin (Modified Citrus Pectin Powder) this one has proven
to retard the spreading of the cancer. I began to take 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide using a very strict formula. (Hydrogen Peroxide is naturally produced by the body, but needs a boost when
cancer is involved.) I now take a Gel capsule that produces the same results, but is far less extreme. Ialso used Ozone to achieve the same results. 714X injections was also used under thesupervision of my family Doctor. (714X is legally available in Canadathrough the Federal Emergency Drug Program. (I would like to point out atthis time that cancer cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment, andas we get older our systems are in a weakened condition, and are deprived ofoxygen. The air we breathe is about 18% less pure then 75 or 100 years ago.)I also used organic coffee enemas three times a day. I had high colonics to eliminate
toxins in the colon. (All disease begins in the colon.) I developed a positive attitude,meditated often, and used visualization techniques, and did a lot ofpraying. (This helped tremendously) I would be remiss if I did not mention,and give credit to my wife Sylvia, without whose help I probably would nothave stayed the course, especially when I became depressed. Which I did occasionally.

I would like to say that the doses that I took of each of the above came
mostly from the side of the containers they came in. After reading, and consulting with
more knowledgeable people I was able to increase those dosages with no ill side affects.In fact nothing that I did had any adverse side affects.
I was able to keep my PSA count around the 20.6 range until August 1997 whenit elevated to 27.7; (I still did not have any symptoms.) I realized at that point that I could
not continue to treat myself, I needed expert help.As a result of many letters written by my wife to various organizations wholist successful cancer survivors, I was contacted by a man (Ralph Morris) inRedwood California. Ralph told me that when he was diagnosed, his PSA was 438, and had
spread to his bones and lungs. The Doctors told him there was not much more they coulddo for him, and to make the best of what time was left. He said that he could not accept this,
and started searching for other options, and finally found a hospital in Mexico that outlined a
treatment that he felt was logical, and worthwhile trying. He immediately arranged to go to
the hospital for the (21) day treatment program. During his stay he was subjected to various
forms of Alternative treatment, which were non-invasive, and was able to virtually clean up
his cancer. When he returned to his Doctors in San Francisco, they could not believe the
difference, and requested further tests. He agreed to this as long as they paid the bill. The
results came back exactly as he said they would, and he has been clear of cancer for over (5) years.
Ralph is about 67 years old and still works in the lumber business. The last time I heard he was
doing very well.Ralph told me that he felt that if I went to the hospital they could help me. My wife made
arrangements in Sept. We were to go the end of October, for the 21 Day Program. We
arrived in San Diego Calif., and were picked up, and taxied to the Administration Building in
Chula Vista (a suburb of San Diego). I completed the necessary paper work including finances,
and then was shuttled down to the clinic at Rosarita Beach Mexico. The hospital isnot the Sunnybrook or Grand Hotel style facility, but it is extremely clean, efficient,and restful. We were assigned a room; given an orientation tour; told whatto expect starting the next day, and then allowed to relax and get comfortable..My day started at 7:00 a.m. when the nurse came to take my blood pressure,pulse and temperature. The following is what my Patient Work Sheet lookedlike;Name: Gary McGowanCondition: Prostate CancerIntravenous: Nutrients, chelation, ammino acids and honvan (A hormone).Photo Luminescence: Elevate (4) days (this is blood purification)Physiotherapy; Various forms as directedSpecial instructions: Thymus powder, (1) pack under tongue twice a day.Medications: Honvan (3) tablets daily.Nutrients: Retinoic Acid (1 cap) daily.NSC-24 (Marophage) (1 cap) 3 times daily.Flax and Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil (I tablespoon) morning, noon and night. (In dinning room withmeals).Melatonin: (1 50mg cap) at bedtime.Modified Citrus pectin: 4 ozs. Per day with water.Oxygen capsules: (2 caps) ½ hour before meals.Saw Palmetto & Pygeum: (2 caps) 3 times daily.Zeta Cleanse: One quart daily between 4 & 5 p.m.Nasal Vaccine: (2 drops) each nostril (1) time. daily.Formula Combination: Basic Unit One (7 caps) with each meal.MORNINGSMy other routine was Ozone Insufflation every morning.Bipolar physio (3) times weekly.Biomagnetics (3) times weekly.Vibrosaun physio (3) times weekly.Massage (3) times weekly.Colonic (2) times weekly.Ozone Sauna (3) times weekly.Whirlpool (3) times weekly.Other Physio as directed every day.AFTERNOONSIntravenous infusion: (Chelation) every day. (approx. 3 to 3 ½ hours)Hyperthermia treatment: a total of (5) sessions.What I have outlined above was the program that I had to follow. It was notdifficult, nor was there any discomfort associated with it. All I can say isthat in my case it worked.I cannot say enough about the staff at the hospital, I was treated withevery respect, they operated in the most professional manner, and were therefor me any time during the day or night.On the day of my departure I was interviewed by my attending Doctor , (Dr.Marcy McDowell) whohas remained my contact with the clinic ever since, to lay out my home protocolprogram. It consists of the following.CANCER – HOME PROGRAMFlaxseed/MCT Oil: Use one tablespoon with each meal.Basic Unit One: (8 Caps) with each meal for two months, reduce to (6), thento (4) for rest of life.OxyCaps: (2 caps) with water 30 minutes before meals for two month, thenreduce to breakfast and dinner for rest of life.Thyroid: Use (1 tablet) in A.M. rest of life.Melatonin: (2 cap 3mg) at bedtime for life.NSC-24 (Macrophage) (2 caps ) daily for two months, reduce to (1) untiladvised differently.Thymic A: (1) packet under tongue for (4) month.Liquid Life: (1) tablespoon with breakfast and dinner.Modified Citrus Pectin Powder: (4 ozs) per day for two months, reduce toevery other day for two months, then every day (1) week per month.Honvan: As directed by Doctor.Hydrazine Sulfate: (1 cap) daily until advised differently.Cessium: (1 cap) 250mg x3 daily.Retinoic Acid: (1 cap) 50mg x1 dailyWith the permission of my Doctor in San Diego I could also take otherVitamins, and supplements as I saw fit, i.e. Ful-Flo (helps maintain a smalland healthy prostate) Small Flower Willow Herb tea, a Vitamin drink withlecithin, etc. I was also given a Cancer Restraint Diet Book. It allows meto eat many foods that I thought would be taboo.I would like to make it perfectly clear to anyone, that I have provided thisinformation to, that the Hospital, their staff, or I, do not claim that thistreatment is a CURE for Cancer. It is a treatment that can, and has, putCancer into remission for many people. Like anything else in life there areno guarantees. Each individual is a different case, onto his own, and mustbe evaluated, and treated accordingly. Alternative treatment therapies do work, and shouldbe made available to anyone who wishes to employ them. Under the propersupervision one would not need to be afraid of doing something that would beharmful, rather than beneficial. This is where the Government could play amajor role in ensuring the Quacks, and Charlatans are weeded out, just likethey do on the conventional side of medicine.

As of this writing I have just finished my annual checkup by my Doctor. My blood pressure
is excellent, my blood work is fine, and most important my PSA is .03. The digital examination revealed that my prostate was small, and smooth. I continue on much of my home protocol, but at much lower rate of intake. The hormone blocker that I was taking is down to ½ tablet per week. I am told that this is very insignificant because my body is now keeping my PSA down. By the grace of God, and a little bit of luck I fully intend to keep it that way.

I have learned in order to beat this dreaded disease you must be prepared to change your life style, you must be ever mindful that each and everyone of us is born into this world with the potential of developing cancer, albeit some, more so than others. The good life that we enjoy in North America is in fact largely responsible for the increases in cancers, heart problems, and other ailments. The more foreign substances that are put into our food, water and air, the faster these illnesses will accelerate.
However, there is hope. Everyday, I read or hear of new and promising treatments being developed, much less invasive, and debilitating. More research is being done on treatments that was once considered radical, and off the wall, by the medical establishment, but are being forced to admit, however reluctantly, there are some truths to these treatments. Technology is closing in on, if not cures, at least controls, such as gene therapies, etc.

I hope that what I have said, and outlined, in my story gives hope to those who feel they have no hope, to those who would like to explore the possibilities of alternative treatment, do so with an open mind. Talk to people like myself, there are many of us out there. Go to health shows. Do not be bothered or swayed by those around you that continue to remain ignorant. There is a saying “Nothing is possible to a closed mind, but anything is possible to an open mind.”

Good luck; Good health,

Gary McGowan --- A Survivor


Since writing this article I have added to my protocol the following supplement, etc. I hope that this information will be of assistance to you.

Moducare Sterinol, a product that contains “Sterols and Sterolins” Published research, performed by Prof.P.Bouic, Ph.d., a leading Immunologist, demonstrates that plant sterols and sterolins, commonly found in all fruits and vegetables, are important in the functioning of the body’s immune system, and this formulation is made up of those properties. Can be obtained in any good Health Store.

I also take a supplement called AG-Immune, recommended by Dr.Jesse A Stoff. Tremendous for the Immune system.

IP-6 and Inositol, Can be obtained from any good Health Store along with information regarding its benefits.

I also take Lycopine, Folic Acid, Silymarin (very beneficial for the liver) and Evening Primrose.

I have also added a new product that has very strong cancer fighting properties ( Immune Enhancing Complex.). The name is MGN3. This product is from Lane Labs, Allendale, N.J. (

One might say that I take anything that is offered, but believe me when I say that all of these supplements and nutrients have been proven to be of great assistance in feeding the body, and it’s immune system to keep it in peak working order.


As of January 7 my PSA reading is .45.

P.S. I mentioned that I also take a herbal tea that has helped me reduce the size of my prostate to normal. (Small Flower Willow Herb). I swear by it!!
Another book that I recommend for reading is called The Prostate Miracle by Jesse A Stoff, M.D.

JESSE A. STOFF is a Medical Doctor, a Certified Naturopathic Physician, and a licensed Homeopathic Physician. He is involved with many professional activities, including serving as the President of Immune Consultants, P.L.L.C. and the Medical Director for Integramed, a large multi-disciplinary integrative medical practice in Tucson, Arizona. A graduate of New York Medical College, he pursued extensive post-doctoral training, including a fellowship at the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in London, England. He has been the featured guest on the American Medical Association television program, “Grand Rounds,” and has been interviewed on many national programs ranging from “The Today Show” and “Larry King Live” to “Geraldo.” Dr. Stoff has authored numerous articles and books, including co-authoring the bestseller Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:
The Hidden Epidemic. He is asked to lecture frequently at large national and international medical conferences on the topics of cancer immunology and immune reconstitution. As a member of the Clinical Nutrition Board of Cancer Treatment Centers of America, Inc., he is designing treatment protocols to take integrative oncology into the 21st century.

Dr.Stoff is associated with a Company called Body Wise, who produce many products for various ailments. One such product is International AG-Immune. Information on all products can be obtained on their web site

Remember, that as you progress, some of the protocols that you are using may eventually be replaced with others that have been tested, and found to be more effective. I personally do not hesitate to investigate, and try them. It does not take long to notice their effect, and if it is positive, continue.

NOTE: I always consult my Doctor is San Diego to get his opinion of what I am about to take, he has been a tremendous help, and support, since I was at the clinic.

Further to the above.

I have purchased 2 new Ozone generating units, and a Thermo Therapy Unit. Each of these units is inexpensive compared to the benefits that they provide. I have also purchased a Far Infrared Sauna for my Rec. room. This sauna has many health benefits as well as being used for pleasure.

All of the above may seem like a lot but I have managed to consolidate many of the protocols.

Further update:

In the fall of 2006 my PSA started to elevate again, and reached 38. I had the usual “Bone Scan” “MRI” “Pet Scan” and “Ultra Sound”, which all indicated that the tumor was still encapsulated in my prostate gland. I immediately changed my protocols, and went back on a mild form of “Hormone Blocker”, which did lower my PSA, but not to the point that I felt comfortable, so I started to look for other clinics that have had a good success rate of Prostate Cancer cures.

I first chose “Leonardis” in Germany, which is where Farah Fawcett, Roy Horn, and many other notable personalities have gone for treatment. Unfortunately, after a month, my success was less than I had hoped for, so I returned to Canada to begin a new search.

I then went to the “Oasis of Hope” in Tijuana, Mexico, where I received a different protocol, but again, with little success. My next clinic was “Stella Maris” in Tijuana that is headed by Dr. Alberto Alvarez. He employees a similar, but slightly different approach, and I have had some good results.
Since I have been doing alternative treatments from the beginning in 1996, my cancer has become somewhat resistant to many forms of treatment, which forces me to keep searching for something new, and as time goes on there have been many new techniques, and protocols come to light. In order for me to have some breathing space in my search I have resorted to taking a more aggressive hormone blocker (Zoladex) to knock the cancer back, but I will be getting off of that approach as soon as I can.

NOTE: There are conventional treatments out there that were not available to me 10/11 years ago, and
I continue to evaluate them for side effects, etc. My continuing goal is to find a good treatment
That combines both “Conventional & Alternative” modalities.

At present I am doing Parasite Cleanse, Kidney Cleanse, Coffee Enemas, Magnesium Chloride, and Sodium Bicarbonate Enemas, all a must to get the body back to a state of good health, and to enhance the immune system. Other parts of my protocol include “Rife Frequency” “Hilda Clark’s” Parasite Zapper”, “Magnetic Pulsar” to stimulate the lymph system, ozone rectal insufflation, and of course my daily vitamins, and minerals.

There are a few other things that I am doing, but to go into them here would be too lengthy, but I would be willing to discuss some of them if anyone was interested.

If all of what I have done, or am doing seems too daunting, or over whelming, I would like to remind all that CANCER is a war that it does not want to lose, and my body wants to win. To simply give in to conventional treatment may have disastrous consequences down the road, as I am sure that many have read about. I personally do not want to go there unless I have no other choice.

© 2008 G.R.McGowan

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

What it's like to me.

What photography is to me, is what music is like to others. When I look at something that I would like to capture with my camera, I try to hear what the image is trying to say to me. When I see a Waterfalls, I hear the power of the water spilling over the top, and crashing into a pool below, like thunder might sound like. A river tells me. where it has been, and where it may be going, along with the ostacles that it will face. Mountain scenes talk to me about the awesome power that they have, and the destruction that can be visited upon those who would destroy, or abuse them. If only one would listen to the scenes before the push the shutter button, they will tell you just how you should take their picture. I believe very strongly that all that we see can tell you s story if only you would listen. My thought for the day.

Covered Bridge

A Covered Bridge in Vermont, USA

© 2008 Sylmac

Pine Brook Covered Bridge

Pine Brook Covered Bridge, Vermont, USA.

© 2008 Sylmac

A very voracious bug.

I don't know this bug's name, but I can tell that it is a very ugly, and voracious critter

© 2008 Sylmac

Away for awhile

It is not often that I put pen to paper, or fingers to my keyboard to write, but I thought that the following may be of some help to someone. While I was away attending to some personal issues I rarely took up my camera to take pictures, even though it was beside me all the time. The desire had not left me, but the get up and go had. My personal issues were starting to consume my every thought, and actions, to the point were I had to have a serious talk with myself, and get back on track, It was then that I came to the realization that my photography was really a medicine in disguise, and that starting to take small doses of picture taking I started to get that old feeling back.. I think the moral of this type of story is that one's passion for something like photography, etc. can, and should be used as part of the healing process. It clears the mind, energizes, and makes one see that issues are nothing more than temporary roadblocks on life's journey. When used properly it is amazing what it can do. Does this make sense? I think so.

Amass River Gorge

This is the Amass River Gorge that parallels the train tracks into Silverton.

© 2008 Sylmac

Colorado Mountain Range

A mountain range just outside Silverton Colorado.

© 2008 Sylmac

Colorado Mountain Peak

Taken in Colorado near Silverton.

© 2008 Sylmac

Colorado Rockies

Taken just outside Silverton, Colorado.

© 2008 Sylmac

A Bridge Over

A fall morning, mist rising, and the sun starting to show through. Taken in Arrowhead Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada.

© 2008 Sylmac

An Arubian Sunset. Simply awesome.

© 2008 Sylmac

An Arubia Beach Bar

An Arubia Beach Bar. What a great place to kick back, and have a Pina Collata.

© 2008 Sylmac

An Arubian Beach Scene

Aruba is a glorious place to kick back, and relax.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Same Cornfield

This is the same cornfield, but I use an "Ultra Contrast " to dramatize the image. This show how surreal one can get with HDR processing.

A Local Cornfield

It is amazing what pictures can be taken of a simple cornfield. The angle give two distinct triangles. Camera Canon 40D, Tokina 12-24mm wide angle lens at 12mm. Three exposures taken, and processed in an HDR program.

Sails across the sunset

It is amazing what pictures present themselves when sitting on the beach in Aruba, Taken with a Canon 20D, 70-300mm lens with graduated filters.

An Arubian Sunset

This sunset was taken in Aruba using a Canon 20D, 70-300mm lens, with graduated filters.

An Autumn River Scene

This fall scene was taken early in the morning in Arrowhead Provincial Park, Ontario, Canada just after the mist had risen.

Deep Woods Water Falls

This Water Falls is deep in the woods in the Algonquin Park area of Ontario, Canada

A Bridge

A bridge deep in the woods at Lake Arrowhead, Ontario, Canada early in the morning s the mist was rising.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Country Side Scene B

Another country side scene, which was process in an HDR imaging program. Camera Canon 40D, Tokina 12-24mm wide angle lens. AEB Bracketing. Exposures -2, +0, +2

Country Side Scene A

Country Side Scenes make great images for HDR processing. Camera used Canon 40D, Tokina 12-24mm wide angle lens, AEB Exposures -2, +0, +2

A Ghostly Castle

Boldt Castle, located in the St.Lawrence River is a very candidate for HDR processing.

Country Side Barn

A country side barn in the early afternoon. Camera, Canon 40D, Tokina 12-24mm lens @ 24mm. AV F7.1 AEB 1/250, 1/1000, 1/4000 sec's. Exp.Comp EV -2, +0, +2